Tuesday, January 5, 2010

One Small Change

Thanks to Andrea at My Life's Second Half, I was pointed to the One Small Change project. It's a pretty simple and very cool project. Between now and Earth Day (April 22nd) you make one small change each month that will have a positive green impact. You blog about it at the beginning of the month and then at the beginning of the next month you blog about how your change process went and then choose a new one for the next month. I'm kind of nervous about doing this because I'm afraid I'll mess up but I'm going to give it a shot.

My change for January is actually two but they go together. There are 2 major grocery stores and at least 4 small neighborhood stores within walking distance of me. Yet when I want something I still get in my car and drive to the store. And often I buy just a few things at a time that I could easily carry. So for January I'm going to walk to the store at least once a week instead of driving. The second part is that I'm going to bring my cloth bags with me to avoid the plastic or paper choice.

So we'll see at the end of the month how I did! If you're interested, please click on the link above and join the project. If you do, send me a link to your post!


Andrea said...

Bravo! Not only will you be making a positive environmental change, but you'll get the health benefit of a walk as well. Good job! :)

robin michelle said...

I was thinking about that this morning! Also I think healthier food is lighter so it'll keep me away from the "bad" stuff!

Hip Mountain Mama said...

Thanks for joining the challenge Robin! I love that you are going to pledge to walk to the store once a week! I look forward to hearing how it goes! Good luck!

robin michelle said...

Thanks Suzy - I'm excited about it!