Saturday, January 16, 2010

answers, answers, answers

Ok, I think I've come up with my answers! I know you're all on the edge of your seat waiting!

Who do you most admire? This was a little hard. There are a lot of people I admire for many different reasons. But I think the person I most admire is my father. I think he's the smartest person I've ever known, he does what he believes is right even if no one else agrees with him, he was married to my mom for 43 years and after she died he kept on living and taking care of things and made a new life for himself. He's always been there for his kids even when we totally screwed up! There are lots of other reasons but I'll cry if I keep going!

List 5 things you fiercely believe in. 1) Libraries, 2) that everyone has right to their opinion (no matter how stupid :)), 3) same-sex marriage needs to be made legal, if as a country we continue to disallow it we are losing something vital, 4) kindness matters, 5) as naive and dumb as it may sound, sometimes love really is all you need.

If you had no fear of anything, what 5 things would you do? 1) travel in a spaceship, 2) climb a mountain, 3) drive a race car, 4) tell people what I really think, 5) dance.

What are the three most interesting things about you? 1) I know a lot about history, particularly Tudor England, 2) I'm willing to spend hours searching for information, 3) I'm writing a mystery.

What is the nicest thing any one ever said about you? That I wrote well.


Andrea said...

"We should consider every day lost in which we have not danced at least once." -Nietzche Even if it's alone in your livingroom. :)

robin michelle said...

Thanks Andrea. I think I'll start in the living room!