Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A little homesick

At least a year ago I started reading a blog called Castro Valley Boulevardier written by someone who lives in Castro Valley (you probably could have guessed that!). Anyway at the time I lived there also and put the blog into my reader where it still is. I was reading the latest entry that shows a picture of a street corner that's about 1-1/2 miles from where I used to live. All of a sudden I was attacked by a horrid sense of homesickness and sat and cried for half an hour. I was born in Castro Valley and lived there for the last 28 years and I felt like I just wanted to go home. It's not surprising though. Everyday for the last week or so I've been thinking that I wanted to go home and that I'd made a mistake in moving. I guess that's why a picture of a street corner reduced me to tears!

But the fact is I don't want to go home. I am home. And that's what I've been forgetting this past week but remembered after I finished crying. This is my home, it's where I belong and it feels right. Even though things aren't going exactly as I'd planned, ok, not even close to what I'd planned, I'm still glad that I'm here. I was driving around yesterday and got a little lost. I finally turned onto one street and realized that I knew where I was. It was a nice feeling to be able to visualize where I was in relation to my home and know that I wasn't lost after all, I'd just made a few wrong turns.

So maybe I've made a few wrong turns but I'm not lost and I know where home is. And I'm staying. Besides I don't think my cats would forgive me if I tried to subject them to another car trip!


Peruby said...

Oh, that sounds so hard. I guess an overwhelming feeling of homesickness is acceptable once in a while. I hope they are few and far between for you and as time goes by you feel more at ease where you are now. Best of luck.

robin michelle said...

Thanks Peruby. I think a lot of things just kind of caught up with but I'm feeling better now. Hopefully once I get a little more settled it will be easier. Take care.