Monday, June 15, 2009

Social PETworking

June is Social PETworking Month. Please help! You can go to Adopt a pet and adopt a shelter animal "socially." You choose the animal and post info on your Facebook, Twitter or MySpace page as a way to share that this animal needs a home. It's free and it can help a lot of animals! You can do it everyday to spread the word about all the animals that need homes.

Today I picked Jenny, a beautiful black & white Maine Coon. Her profile says Urgent so I think she needs a home right away. There were 13 pages of cats that need homes. It made me sad and even more convinced (if that were possible) of the importance of spaying/neutering animals!!!!!

Please look at the site and adopt an animal. It only takes a few minutes and maybe you'll be helping an animal to find a good home.

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