Monday, June 1, 2009

I Found Lois Lane

When I was young (which was quite a long time ago) I read Superman comics. I really, really, really wanted to be Lois Lane. That's because Lois was an independent woman with a career and I admired her for that. Ok, ok, that isn't it. It's because I wanted Superman. I won't spell out wanted since this is a g-rated blog.

Anyway I've been secretly harboring this desire for many, many years sure that eventually I'd find Superman & my true identity would emerge. Alas, that can never come to pass. Turns out there is another Lois Lane and it looks like she's the real thing. I'm sure you're wondering how I found this out. In a word, Twitter.

I tweeted the other day about wanting to be Lois Lane and what that said about me. Well the real Lois saw my tweet and wanted to know what that meant. Honestly I think she knew and was jealous. Unfortunately she has no reason. I've been looking for Superman for quite some time & he doesn't appear to be anywhere in the vicinity of the SF Bay Area. Apparently because he's off in Metropolis with the real Lois (whose tweets you can read by clicking on her name).

So now, thanks to the wonders of the Internet, my girlhood dreams have been destroyed. I guess I can return to Perry Mason. Oops, forgot, Susan Kandel has him locked up. Please tell me this doesn't mean Lex Luther?


Lois Lane said...

Sorry about that, hun. Didn't mean to crush you like that!

But thanks for the links!

And I'm sure there's a guy out there for you!

You're too fun and have too much of a sense of humor not to attract some guy!

robin michelle said...

Oh thanks Lois! I've been coming to terms w/the loss of Superman these past few days & I think I'll be ok. Just be sure to send him my way if you get tired of him! Take care.