Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Sleep is good for you. Did you all know that? It helps your problem-solving skills. Keeps your blood pressure down. And keeps you thinner. Those are some pretty good reasons to sleep and I, for one, am generally in favor of it. Unfortunately I never seem to get enough and I have three good reasons why: the Web, Pippin and Mellifera.

There's a lot of stuff out there on the web. A Lot. And I'm kind of an information junkie. So I'll get online about 10:00 pm and the next thing I know it's 2:00 in the morning. I have this problem a lot which means I tend to stay up late. So what's the big deal you're thinking - just sleep in late right? That would be where Pippin & Mellifera come in.

Pippin likes to eat on his own schedule. His early schedule is usually about 4:00 am. This means he comes in my room and meows at me to get up and feed him. I could ignore him & try to keep sleeping and I've actually tried that. Do you know what it's like to have a hungry cat walking on your head, biting your hair and nose and scratching at you? It's much easier to get up & feed him. Which is what I do. Staggering dangerously down the steps and to the kitchen where his sweet, trusting little face rewards me with a purr and leg rub. It's hard to be annoyed when he does that. So I feed him and stagger back to bed and what I hope will be 4-5 more hours of sleep. Alas no such luck. (And no, I can't just leave dry food out for him. He refuses to eat it & would do the same wake-up routine to me.)

About 5:30-6:00 Mellifera decides she wants to cuddle with me. It would be fine if she'd get on the bed and snuggle with me. Nope. She wants me in the living room on the couch. And she meows and meows and meows until I get up. If that doesn't work shewalks all over my nightstand and knocks things over. I get up, go to the living room & she jumps up on my lap and cuddles with me. Sweet right? Well not always. At least half the time, she'll walk on me, purr and let me pet her for about 1 minute then decides I've annoyed her, hisses at me, jumps down and disappear. You'd think I'd give up and figure it isn't worth it and stay in bed. Unfortunately the other half she cuddles up by my neck, lays her head on my shoulder, looks up at me and gives me little kisses. Now that's impossible to resist! Which explains why I get up.

By this time I'm pretty well awake, despite only having slept 3-4 hours. So I stay up and then I'm tired and everyone says I should sleep more. Easy to say. Give them my three distractions and see how much they sleep. If anyone has suggestions to mitigate these distractions I'm happy to listen but I kind of doubt they'll be effective. Especially against those kitty kisses!


jet said...

Willpower is the answer! - the cats have you completely in their thrall. XV The Devil - imagine the pointy horns as pointy ears!

robin michelle said...

Well I got up with you when you were little! Or maybe I didn't. . .

Peruby said...

I'd say close the bedroom door. But, I know. They claw at the door and you can still hear them squall. That is what happened to me. Then I ran a fan and I don't hear them anymore.

No. To be perfectly truthful, I ended up going to bed earlier and getting up and giving in to the demons.

I then read all my computer stuff early in the mornings.

robin michelle said...

I think giving in is really the only answer! Thanks for the comment!