Friday, March 14, 2008

Start Your Own Country

As I was sitting here desperately trying to think of something interesting to write about for the edification of my many readers, I remembered a blog posting I'd read a couple of weeks ago. It was a posting on the Foreign Policy blog called How to Start Your Own Country.

I was thinking that perhaps someone out there would like to consider doing this. In order to be eligible, international law specifies four requirements:
  1. You must have a defined territory.
  2. You must have a permanent population.
  3. You must have a government.
  4. Your government must be capable of interacting with other states.
I think this sounds pretty easy. Do you think it is ok if you are renting your defined territory? I have a permanent population - Jill, John, Pippin & Mellifera. I can certainly set-up a government. It will be a monarchy, of course. Number four certainly isn't a problem. I interact with the US government on a regular basis. They call it paying taxes, I call it highway robbery, but what's in a name? After you're established you'll want to be recognized by other countries. I'm thinking that tax issue covers that one also.

There you have it, I'm a country - without a name though. Any suggestions?


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