Sunday, November 20, 2011

A Nice Day!

I've had a nice, relaxing day so far. Even though it's the weekend this still counts as the second day of my vacation. I took Mon, Tues & Wed off work. Thursday & Friday are holiday days so I'll be off until Monday, 11-28, a total of 9 days!

I had to go out and get cat litter today. I'm trying to figure out why, in the grocery store, if I have two small bags, the checker will look at me like I'm 90 years old and say, "do you need help to your car?" At Petsmart, where I had a 40 lb box of cat litter they didn't ask me! Do I look younger there? Anyway I got it into the car and then put in on my little rolling cart to bring it inside. That was actually the boring part of the day!
Before I went to Petsmart I went to Beers Books, a lovely bookstore in Sacramento. I've decided to begin rereading, from the beginning, Elizabeth Peter's Amelia Peabody mystery series. I thought I'd go to the bookstore and see if they had any. I was lucky enough to find nice used copies of the 1st and 3rd in the series for only $2 each! If you like mysteries these are great!

I love bookstores almost as much as libraries. The reason a library is better is because the books are free. Unless you forget to return them on time like I do. . . Anyway I can happily spend hours wandering around a library or bookstore and am always well rewarded for the time spent. Here's what I found today: The Complete Guide to Beading Techniques, Menopause with Science & Soul, the two Elizabeth Peters books - Crocodile in the Sandbank & The Mummy Case, and Biking and Hiking the American River Parkway. I ended up spending $40 but they were all used except the American River one. I've checked it out of the library a few times and have wanted to buy it. They just came out this year with the 4th edition and when I saw on the counter it seemed to saying "buy me, buy me." Books do that to me a lot.

I happily came home with my books and cat litter and had some soup, went for a walk and relaxed for awhile looking at books. So it's 5 pm now and I have a whole lovely evening with two cats, loads of books, and lots of beading I want to do! Oops just remembered I'm supposed to clean today. My daughter & her boyfriend will be coming on Tuesday to visit for a few days. Oh well they don't care if I clean or not!

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