Thursday, September 22, 2011

Bits and Pieces of Stuff

I found an interesting blog called Letters of Note that is "an attempt to gather and sort fascinating letters, postcards, telegrams, faxes, and memos." Recent posts include a letter from Frank Sinatra about crossword puzzles, one from Audrey Hepburn to Henry Mancini praising the Breakfast at Tiffany's soundtrack and my favorite, some notes from Johnny Cash.

NPR article titled Can Computers Reconstruct Your Dreams?  Brave volunteers spent hours in an MRI machine (I say brave because I hate those machines), watching movie clips. A computer was able to reconstruct, with varying degrees of accuracy, what the volunteers had watched. Researchers speculate that eventually this technique could reconstruct images generated by the brain rather than outside images. I thought this was pretty cool. I'm wondering if the success of the images could be dependent on the individual?

The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you;
Don't go back to sleep.
You must ask for what you really want;
Don't go back to sleep.
People are going back and forth between
the door sill where the two worlds touch.
The door is round and open.
Don't go back to sleep.
I use Google Reader to track and organize all the blogs I follow. Here's my latest statistics:
From your 267 subscriptions, over the last 30 days you read 4,483 items, clicked 231 items, starred 26 items, and shared 82 items. Since November 19, 2008 you have read a total of 161,476 items.
Well I was impressed. My 267 subscriptions is down from over 500 I had at the beginning of this year. I realized that I had so much to look at that I wasn't taking the time to enjoy the ones that really mattered. I'd still like to cut it further but it's hard.
I took a bead class last Thursday and learned how to make a bird's nest pendant! It was a lot of fun and really gave me some confidence about making jewelry. Since the class I've made two more nests and four pairs of earrings. It's a lot of fun! 

Last, but far, far from least, is this item from the Sacramento Bee about the weather:  Temperatures are expected to drop a good 10 degrees this weekend as a Pacific Ocean low pressure system and the Delta breeze brings cooler air into the Central Valley.
Excellent news because I'm HOT!


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Well, you read about a lot of stuff! Do you have time to read books? Sometimes the computer just zaps time from me then I think about what I should have been doing.

Cool that you took the nest class. I see them all over and I think they are really cool. I love the little bird flying to yours on your necklace.

Glad its going to cool off for you. Good walking weather.

Have a great weekend.

robin michelle said...

Oh I always have time to read books! Computers can definitely be a time waster. So can iphones - I just spent 1/2-hr playing solitaire!

The bird's nest is fun because you don't have to worry much about neatness.

Hope your weekend is good also!