Sunday, August 22, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Today is my cats 6th birthday! The top picture is Pippin, the bottom Mellifera. They are littermates and I've had them since they were 2 months old. My daughter & her boyfriend had a cat who had kittens and somehow I was convinced to take these two. I've never been an animal person but I've become quite attached to these two cats.

Mellifera was born on Jill's (my daughter) arm. We think her mother got scared when she started to give birth and crawled into bed with Jill. Jill woke up because she felt something wet on her arm and it was a kitten! Pippin wasn't born until about 6 hours later. They thought there were no more kittens and went to work and when they came home tripped over a little kitten in the middle of the floor. Apparently their mother was somewhat lacking in kittencare skills.

There were 4 kittens and Pippin was the runt. He was a little teeny thing with big eyes and ears and I just fell in love with him when I saw him. He's no longer a runt - he weighs 14 lbs now! Mellifera, even as a kitten was beautiful and very sweet (except when she's grouchy!).

I'm being extra-nice to them since it's their birthday. Not that I'm ever mean! I bought a little piece of salmon for their dinner. Believe me that was nice, because I hate fish stuff!


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Happy Birthday pretty kitties. Your mommy loves you so much that she went out and got you a fish...o, not just ANY fish...a 'spensive one!! Now that you know that, just jump up and give her a smelly fish breath lick!!

Peruby said...

Adorable! We do spoil our babies, don't we? :)

robin michelle said...

My cats say thank you to both of you!