Thursday, December 31, 2009

On Being Afraid

I get scared a lot. If you know me I'm sure you're shocked because I seem like such a together, calm, confident person. (I'm hearing a LOT of laughter.) Anyway. . . I have many ways of coping, some of which involve simply falling apart or calling someone and crying hysterically for awhile. Sometimes when I'm feeling particularly grown-up I try and rationally think about why I'm afraid and deal with it like an adult. That probably happens once every 2-3 years. What I do a lot of times though is use quotes, books or music to remind myself that everyone gets scared and just getting in and doing things will help me get over it. So in case you're sitting around bored tonight I'll share a few of my favorites!

I have a lot of favorite quotes but the one I like best is this: Fear not for the future. Weep not for the past. ~Percy Bysshe Shelley. Probably my second favorite is: You must do the thing you think you cannot do. ~Eleanor Roosevelt

Here's Neil Diamond singing What's It Gonna Be. I met someone for lunch today (this was the 2nd date!) and I was listening to this as I drove over there. I've listened to it before all the other "coffee dates" I've had (most of which were with total jerks). It helps me remember that I have to take some chances and get out and meet people no matter how scary it is.

Johnny Cash singing I Won't Back Down. Sometimes, ok about 20 times a day, I want to run back to a relationship that felt safe even though it wasn't good for me. This song always helps me remember that I want to stay where I am and move forward.

This is a scene from The Return of the King. The armies of middle earth were facing Sauron believing there was no hope. This is Aragorn's speech to them. There may be a day I give up, pull the covers over my head and let the dragon win. But it is not this day. I put this on my iphone so I can listen to it easily! Ok, the rest of the truth is I just like Viggo Mortensen!

Last one but far from least. The Stairsteps singing Ooh Child. After my mother died I kept hearing this song a lot for some reason and it felt like she was telling me to just hold on and things would get easier. Kind of silly I guess but it always made me feel better. I cry most every time I hear this song but it also helps me feel better. I wasn't going to share this one but I figured I've already shared so much stuff on my blogs that I might as well!


Peruby said...

Wonderful and very inspiring.

robin michelle said...

Thanks Peruby. Happy New Year!