Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Some Christmas Music!

I'm feeling very Christmasy and peaceful tonight. I finished my beaded Christmas tree (but can't post a picture because I need batteries for my camera!), started another one and I'm making some pale cookies. One of the Christmas cookies I make are called Cherry Chocolate Kisses. They have maraschino cherries in them & you add red food coloring so they look Christmasy and then put chocolate kisses on top. I bought everything I needed to make them except, yep, the red food coloring. . . I didn't want to go to the store so now I have pale cookies w/kisses on top. It's ok though, they taste the same! And now my apartment smells like almond extract which makes me happy. For some reason, probably from making Christmas cookies for so many years, I associate the smell of almond extract with Christmas.

It's been a difficult couple of months for me but I feel good tonight. I feel in control of my life and peaceful and happy. It's going to be a good Christmas and a wonderful New Year. This seemed an appropriate song!


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Hi Robin
I'm glad you are well and peaceful. My very favorite Christmas music is Christmas Bells by TSO. I can never hear it enough.

Merry Christmas

robin michelle said...

Thanks Carol! I like Christmas Bells also!