Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Question

One of the places I "like" on Facebook is called Owning Pink. It's the Facebook page of a website devoted to empowering women to claim, in the words of the founder, Dr. Lissa Rankin,the parts of themselves that are most true, most authentic, and most magnificent. Dr. Rankin is an ob/gyn and the site and her new book, What's Up Down There, provides answers to questions that quite often we don't really want to ask anyone!

None of that is really the point of this post. She posted a question on Facebook and I wanted to borrow it and I hate to do that without attribution. Since I was going to explain where I got the question I thought I'd go ahead and share the links to the Owning Pink website because I think it's pretty cool!

After that rather long explanation, here's the question: What kind of candy are you? I answered it in about one second and thought it was a great question so I thought I'd see if anyone else wants to answer.

I'm a Big Cherry Candy Bar. It's chocolate with peanuts wrapped around a cherry. I think this describes me quite well (also I like them...). I'm kind of chocolatey and a little crunchy sometimes but underneath it I'm very sweet! Ok kind of silly but share anyway - what kind of candy are you?


Peruby said...

OMG! I have never even heard of this candy before! Wow! I have no idea what candy I am. It is 5:05 in the morning here and it is kind of making me sick to think of candy.. so I may answer later. :)

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

I'm having a hard time wih this one. Maybe you have to actually like candy and eat it to know it and answer. I love Chunky Bars, full of nuts, raisons and wonderful chocolate. Maybe that's me, a complex mix of stuff you love. Ya think?

Merry Christmas, Robin.

Lissa Rankin said...

So glad the question inspired you!

And wow- you sound yummy!
Big hugs
Lissa Rankin

robin michelle said...

Peruby - Yeah thinking of candy at 5:05 am is kind of icky! Merry Christmas!

Carol - Oh that's definitely you! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

Lissa - Thanks! Merry Christmas to you and keep up the great work!