Thursday, December 16, 2010

I guess it's official

I really am old. We had a holiday party at work tonight and I was politely chatting with someone and she mentioned needing glasses to see print as she is getting older. I commiserated and said it's harder for me too. Based on past experience she should have said, "oh you aren't that old." She didn't. This woman is probably 10-12 years older than me and I really don't think I look my age. She should have said I wasn't old. But she didn't. I think that means I'm officially old. I'm feeling rather disheartened tonight. Ok, I know how old I am, maybe the people who said I look younger were just being polite but still. I DON'T WANT TO BE OLD! Most of the time I honestly don't feel like I'm 53. I think in my head I'm about 30. I guess I don't look it though. . .

I was looking for an image and found this book listed on Amazon.  I guess the Universe is telling me to get used to it.


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Well, when I turned 50, I still looked pretty darn good. At 60, still not too bad. But my brain says 30. Then I look in the mirror and I don't recognize me...well ok..I had my teeth pulled yada yada yada...but I don't look as good as I used to. I started wearing glasses when I was 50..
I'm good with all that. But I'm not too good with 60. In terms of time left on this earth and number of years left to physically be able to fully function..I'm just a little concerned. Don't care much how old I look, just wannna walk upright ~lol~

Andrea said...

Fifty-three is not old! Especially because I'm doing everything in my power to live until I'm 100! And I've been wearing glasses since I was in 4th grade so no big deal. Solution? Get rid of the mirrors! :)

robin michelle said...

Carol - I say we go with Andrea and live to be 100. You'll still have 40 years left and I'll have 47! I know what you mean - it's the functioning part though. I've seen a lot of 90+ year old people in pretty good shape though!

Andrea - Yeah I want to make it to 100 also! Maybe I should take up yoga - that'd probably help. I sporadically try it but then give up. Actually I've been thinking about taking a class next year because I think that would encourage me to stick with it!