Saturday, December 11, 2010

Reading Challenges

A couple of years ago I signed up for a reading challenge but didn't finish it. Not because I didn't want to read but I got sidetracked into reading other stuff. Anyway. . . I thought I'd try again for 2011 so I'm joining two reading challenges.

The first is called The 50 States Reading Challenge and the challenge is to read books set in each of the 50 states. I thought this sounded fun. Offhand I can think of a few to put on my list (re-reads count so that helps!) but it's going to require some thinking and research to come up with a book for each state. I think it'll be fun though! Update: I'm working on this list and I think it is going to take awhile! If anyone has suggestions please share them. Particularly if you are from a certain state! Um, except California - I have a huge list in mind to choose from!

The second challenge is called the Vintage Mystery Reading Challenge. It's to read mysteries written before 1960. There are different levels to join at depending on how many books you want to read. I joined the Take 'Em to Trial level which is to read 16+ books. This will be very easy to generate a list for. I love mysteries and there are a lot of pre-1960 mysteries I still haven't read.

Oh phooey. While I was doing this post and putting in the links I found another challenge that sounded cool. So I'll do three. . .

The third (and final) challenge is called TBR Pile Challenge.This challenge is to read 12 books from your to be read pile within 12 months. They have to have been on your shelf for at least one year. I'm embarrassed to admit how high my TBR pile is. Let's just say I can find 12 without a problem. Note: The list for this challenge is now posted under the icon in sidebar!

Ok, I have to go get busy on my lists! I'll be posting my lists soon and beginning in January will post reviews and updates. Pretty exciting isn't it!


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Are you going to have any time left to BEAD?? /LOL
Happy Sunday

Roof Beam Reader said...

Thanks for taking the 2011 TBR Challenge with me! I'm a new follower as well (I almost joined that 50 states challenge - it sounded fun!).

I can't wait to see your reviews as we go along - The Life & Selected Writings of Thomas Jefferson and The Haunted Bookshop both sound great!

Bev Hankins said...

Welcome to the Vintage Mysteries Challenge! I love the classic crime novels and am amazed at how many people are signing up to read them with me.

The Haunted Bookshop is an awesome book...I think you'll really like it. And you could always count that for a Vintage read as well....

robin michelle said...

Carol - I plan to be extremely efficient in 2011! I'd say beading is my priority but actually much as I love to bead if I had to stop reading for it I wouldn't. Fortunately I don't have to choose!

Adam - Thank you for hosting the challenge - I think it's a great idea! Glad you're following my blog - I'll try to be interesting!

robin michelle said...

Bev - thank you! I've had the Haunted Bookshop for about 3 years so I'm pleased I officially have it on a reading list now! I love the Vintage Mystery challenge! I almost have my list complete - there were so many authors to choose from it wasn't easy. I did consider using the Haunted Bookshop but I decided to be brave (or foolish) and not duplicate books on any of the challenges.

Roof Beam Reader said...

Just checking-in on your progress for the 2011 TBR Pile Challenge - how are things going so far?!

Also... BIG Giveaways are happening next week, and TBR Pile Challenge participants earn extra entries for linking to their lists, so be sure to visit my Giveaways section soon! ;)