Saturday, October 13, 2012

Family History Day

Today was Family History Day at the California State Archives! It was a day devoted to, as they sub-titled it, Discovering Ancestral Gold. There were numerous classes to choose from, archive tours and exhibits by many genealogy societies.

I started doing genealogical research years ago but haven't done anything for the last, probably 12-15 years. Today was a great re-introduction and reminded me that I had enjoyed doing this. I learned a lot about local resources, got lots of handouts and overall had a fun day!

I'm anxious now to get started. Fortunately in the years I wasn't doing anything other people were and I know that members of my family have found a lot of information. I'll tap into that as a starting point and then move forward.

I have a number of old family pictures that I really like. The first two pictured below are my great-great grandparents from my mother's side, Frances and Peleg Carson. As you can probably guess, he was in the Civil War and I have a copy of his military record that I obtained years ago when I started doing research.

The last picture is my great-grandparents on the father's side, Lila and Ray Cook. This is one of my very favorite pictures. It was taken in the late 1910's or early 20's and I always think of them as the flapper and the gambler. I don't know that they were but I think they look like it! 


Crazy Mama said...

sounds like you had a really good time and that it got you revved up again to do more research. i did a little bit of geneology, but i didn't get very far. it was fun but very time consuming for me. great pics!

robin michelle said...

I think that's part of the reason I stopped before - it can get very time consuming. It is interesting though! Glad you liked the pictures. I love old pictures and I am lucky to have a lot of them!

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

So cool to have pictures of your ancestors. I have none..don't even know their names. I loved looking at YOURS!
xx, Carol

robin michelle said...

I'm glad you enjoyed them Carol!