Friday, February 18, 2011

Random Stuff

In keeping with my blog's title, today is a bunch of random stuff.

Here's the subject line from an email I received at work today: Tiered of been passed over for that promotion because you do not have the proper Dgeree? Seriously.

This is a pretty cool site! Called CAT-LADDERS, it shows lots of pictures of different cat ladders. I suppose that would have been your first guess! Anyway it's pretty neat so if you have cats (or dogs that like to climb ladders) check it out.

The Bay Citizen is a nonprofit, non partisan news organization dedicated to fact-based, independent reporting on civic and community issues in the San Francisco Bay Area. If you're interested in what's going on in the SF Bay Area, it's worth reading.

If you like browsing web sites, take a look at my Delicious account. I have over 500 sites bookmarked.You can find history, poetry, cats, stitching, beading, books, libraries + lots more!

Concerned about online privacy? Find out more than you probably wanted to know at this Wall Street Journal site.

That's about it. It's been cold and rainy here today. I'm inside now with my heater turned way up. Send me pennies for my PG&E bill!

Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. ~Martin Luther King Jr.

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