Monday, February 14, 2011

Musical Monday & Happy Valentine's Day!

I love Valentine's Day. I know it's overrated, commercial, full of unreasonable expectations etc., etc. But I still love it. I love hearts and flowers and mushy love songs and dorky sentiments. This is probably because I'm a mushy, dorky, hearts and flowers kind of person! Aside from that I think it's a nice thing to have a day once a year to tell people you love them. It's easy to get busy and forget. 

I occasionally get caught up in feeling sorry for myself and forget how lucky I am to have so many people who love me. This song always makes me think about the people in my life who have seen the best in me even though I couldn't see it myself. They've pushed me, lectured me, sometimes yelled at me but always loved me. And I am grateful to all of them.

Happy Valentine's Day!


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Happy Valentine Day Robin!
Its not only a day for lovers, but a day to tell friends how glad you are that they ARE your friend.

So, Happy Valentine Day, friend.
xx, Carol

Crazy Mama said...

i love valentine's day too. carol is's a great day to also tell your friends that they are special and important. so happy valentine's day to you, my friend!

robin michelle said...

Oh goodness those were nice comments to wake up to! Thanks both of you and Happy Valentine's Day to you! It is a wonderful day to tell friends they are special & I'm glad you're both my friends! Take care and have a wonderful day!