Monday, February 28, 2011

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Monday, February 21, 2011

A few pictures!

Some pictures from my walk this morning!

I think this is a cherry blossom tree. Right?

Someone has been working on this house for over a year. I think they are finally starting to make progress.

Tulip tree?

I've always wanted to own a bookstore in a building where I could live upstairs. This looks like it'd work. It's for sale and not in a bad location but unfortunately I'm poor!

Two views of my apartment building from across the street. In the second picture you can see my patio and bedroom window. My apartment faces the street which I like!

Oh yeah. Since it's President's Day here's a link for you to increase your knowledge of presidential trivia - POTUS. Just in case you're off work today and bored! I'm off work but not bored so I think I'll just bookmark it for now!

Musical Monday

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Silent (mostly) Sunday

I thought you should all know about this: Today is Northern Hemisphere Hoodie-Hoo-Day -- At high noon (local time) citizens are asked to go outdoors and yell "Hoodie-Hoo" to chase winter and make ready for spring.

My daughter sent me this picture a couple of weeks ago. I love Cosmos so she took this picture for me!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Random Stuff

In keeping with my blog's title, today is a bunch of random stuff.

Here's the subject line from an email I received at work today: Tiered of been passed over for that promotion because you do not have the proper Dgeree? Seriously.

This is a pretty cool site! Called CAT-LADDERS, it shows lots of pictures of different cat ladders. I suppose that would have been your first guess! Anyway it's pretty neat so if you have cats (or dogs that like to climb ladders) check it out.

The Bay Citizen is a nonprofit, non partisan news organization dedicated to fact-based, independent reporting on civic and community issues in the San Francisco Bay Area. If you're interested in what's going on in the SF Bay Area, it's worth reading.

If you like browsing web sites, take a look at my Delicious account. I have over 500 sites bookmarked.You can find history, poetry, cats, stitching, beading, books, libraries + lots more!

Concerned about online privacy? Find out more than you probably wanted to know at this Wall Street Journal site.

That's about it. It's been cold and rainy here today. I'm inside now with my heater turned way up. Send me pennies for my PG&E bill!

Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. ~Martin Luther King Jr.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

February/March Poet: Adrienne Rich

Since I'm starting so late in February I figured I'd cover February & March. Adrienne Rich is one of my favorite poets. Below is an excerpt from Transcendental Etude. This is a short post because I have to get to work!

But there come times –perhaps this is one of them—
when we have to take ourselves more seriously or die;
when we have to pull back from the incantations,
rhythms we’ve moved to thoughtlessly,
and disenthrall ourselves, bestow
ourselves to silence, or a severer listening, cleansed
of oratory, formulas, choruses, laments, static
crowding the wires. We cut the wires,
find ourselves in free-fall, as if
our true home were the undimensional
solitudes, the rift
in the Great Nebula.
No one who survives to speak
new language, has avoided this:
the cutting-away of an old force that held her
rooted to an old ground
the pitch of utter loneliness
where she herself and all creation
seem equally dispersed, weightless, her being a cry
to which no echo comes or can ever come.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Musical Monday & Happy Valentine's Day!

I love Valentine's Day. I know it's overrated, commercial, full of unreasonable expectations etc., etc. But I still love it. I love hearts and flowers and mushy love songs and dorky sentiments. This is probably because I'm a mushy, dorky, hearts and flowers kind of person! Aside from that I think it's a nice thing to have a day once a year to tell people you love them. It's easy to get busy and forget. 

I occasionally get caught up in feeling sorry for myself and forget how lucky I am to have so many people who love me. This song always makes me think about the people in my life who have seen the best in me even though I couldn't see it myself. They've pushed me, lectured me, sometimes yelled at me but always loved me. And I am grateful to all of them.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Silent Sunday

Venus of Willendorf statuette made between 22,000 and 21,000 BCE. She was found in 1908 at a site near Willendorf a village in Lower Austria near the city of Krems. It's speculated she was a fertility goddess but I like to think people at the time preferred women built like this and made statues to honor them!

My apologies for the long absence. I plan to start posting regularly again!