Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I haven't posted for awhile! Not much to say - it's a rainy, gloomy day here. I walked & took a few pictures so I'll post those.

Looking up at the tree - it looked pretty cool I thought!

This is a pretty tree!

This house is next door to where I work. It was built in, I think, 1921. I want to live there!

Despite the rain these tulips are looking fairly happy!

I liked the tree against the tower.

Sidewalk graffiti!

I always look for leaf prints on the sidewalk because I really like them. This is a nice one.

I also look for hearts when I walk. This one is on the door of a house that is being remodeled. It's not the best picture - I had to crop and lighten it so you could see the heart.


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Hi Robin
I don't think I ever saw a heart on anyones door. Unique.

The house is a dream house isn't it. I love old houses too. Don't think I'd want to climb the stairs to the top floor though, but it would be cool to have it anyway.

Wishing for the sun to come out for you...heck, I'm wishing for the sun to come out for ME too!!

robin michelle said...

Yeah I thought the heart was pretty cool! It's a nice house - I'm going to keep checking it as they remodel. We got a little sun here today - I'll send it your way!

Peruby said...

That house is awesome! Let me know when you move in - I'll come out for a visit. ;)

robin michelle said...

It is a great house! As soon as I win the lottery I'll be moving in & invite everyone over!