Monday, January 17, 2011

I'm Back!

I had a great trip! Drove a lot, took lots of pictures, walked by the bay, went to a bookstore and two Missions, stopped numerous times along the coast, and enjoyed visiting family. I'm quite tired and glad to be home though. I was driving back to Sacramento today and I realized that for the first time since I moved here I wasn't feeling torn about leaving the Bay Area. I didn't feel like I'd left my home behind, I was just anxious to get home, to be back in Sacramento. I was even thinking that I'd be glad to get back to work tomorrow! And of course see my cats. For better or worse, this is my home and my life and despite there being things I'd like to change, I'm mainly pretty happy with it. That's a nice feeling.

I took bunches of pictures that I'm going to put into my Picasa album later and I'll share them that way. I did want to post this one. I took this on the coast yesterday about 1:30-2:00 pm with my iPhone. I know it looks later than that and I have no idea why. The sun was shining and I couldn't really see where I was aiming and without my glasses I don't see that well anyway. I figured the ocean was big and I'd just aim and shoot. I thought it was a great picture but I have no idea how I managed to take it!


Crazy Mama said...

i'm glad that you had that "i can't wait to get home feeling" instead of questioning yourself or being torn about leaving. that can be a very peaceful realization i think. glad you had a good time. great pic!!!!

robin michelle said...

Thanks Lisa - I'm glad too! Isn't it a great picture? I still have no idea how I managed it though!

Andrea said...

Stunning photo! You clearly captured some of God's best work. :)

robin michelle said...

Thanks Andrea!

Peruby said...

You should enter that one in a contest somewhere or somehow. That is an awesome catch!

robin michelle said...

Thanks Peruby!