Saturday, July 25, 2009


I know that I've never posted pictures of my cats! Anyway I just had to share these because they are so cute! Top w/mostly black face is Pippin and the bottom w/mostly white is Mellifera. They are siblings & will be 5 years old August 22nd. I'm their complete & devoted slave!

FYI - Pippin has his own twitter account with 168 followers. Yeah, I know it's weird but it's kind of fun! There are actually a lot of cats on Twitter. I don't know how they use the keyboard - Pippin dictates to me what he wants to tweet. Mellifera doesn't tweet - she thinks it's dumb.

1 comment:

Vicki Lane said...

Hi, Robin -- Pippin and Miss Susie Hutchins both have that white running out of their mouths -- it always makes me think of drooled milk. Thanks for stopping by my blog!