Friday, November 19, 2010

And once again. . .

Why do I persist in doing what makes me feel bad and NOT doing what I know will make me feel good? Ah forget it, it was a rhetorical question. I haven't been walking much lately but I woke up early today and decided I'd go for a short walk. I ended up walking further than I'd planned because it felt so good being outside and walking. I know I'm going to feel better when I do it but I come up with excuses and sit around being lazy instead. Anyway here's a couple of pictures. I love this time of year. The trees are beautiful and piles of leaves are in the street and it's a more than a little cold outside right now. Things feel good today. Finally.


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Its a nice area. The trees are still pretty there.

Its dreary here, trees are pretty much bare. It looks kinda dirty everywhere. Probably the grey sky.

robin michelle said...

I guess because we have a milder climate here the trees stay pretty longer. You get snow though!